Tuesday, March 24, 2009

A SMS incident with Datuk Mukhriz.

On the 27th April 2008 at about 1.38.32pm I decided to send a sms to Datuk Mukhriz to see how would he reply. I had a mindset that he would have the same passion for Malaysia, Langkawi in particular, as Tun Dr. Mahathir did. Tun Dr. Mahathir was not the Member of Parliament for Langkawi but out of passion from his early days in Langkawi he built the island.

Datuk Mukhriz said the same, that's why he was campaigning to be a candidate for the seat.

This is how the SMS went;

To Datuk Mukhriz:

As'kum Datuk, my name is Sameer Khan and I'm a Langkawian (before starting I would like to mention that below is absolutely my personal question and view) Likewise, Lgk was and has always been under the direct care of the PM. Now it's a toothless state of the opposition. A verbal revolver within the state govt. has mentioned that Lgk will be left as it is, added by similar rumours of the current Tourism Minister. Promises made on developing the island further were just an opinionated mind game; as it may procure, thus making us believing it. What shall Langkawians do when the island has come to a handbrake still? Shall we handle domestic issues like Napoleons battle of Podubno or shall we just follow like crows counting days? Privately, I choose to handle domestic issues pertaining to economic wellbeing singularly only if it's within my ability even if that would be deliberately mocking the process of constitutional principles and political 'toesteps'. I have attended every one of your gathering in Lgk and have heard your promises with utmost livingness. I also humbly understand your current position and the attached constraints, but would you fulfill then eventhough Lgk is not within your jurisdiction or maybe just spotlight us?

The reply I received from Datuk Mukhriz:

I note with interest yr vehement objections to my candidacy to contest in Langkawi. I find it odd & insulting dat u now choose to ask me to fulfill my "promises with utmost livingness". As the saying goes, u deserve the leader u choose. U hv made yr choice. Live with it. Salam.

To the Perwakilan Pemuda UMNO, please choose your leader wisely. All we can do is inform all of you who they really are.

Make your choice based on leadership qualities


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Sabtu, 2009 April 11

Assalamualaikum,Salam sejastera kepada semua blogger perjuang negara.Alhamdullialh..syukur ke Hadrat Illahi kerana dengan izin dan limpah kurnia-nya kita telah berjaya mengharungi pahit getir serta susah payah menghadapi Pilihan Raya Kecil P 059 Bukit Gantang dan ianya telah berakhir dengan selamatnya.Mengambil kesempatan ini, saya Sekupangdua dan rakan-rakan di Perak, kami; YB Zainol, Hamdan Taha, Tn. Hj Amiruddin, Tn. Hj Zairun, Sayuti, Ahmad Kamal, Kepala Perang, Afden dan semua blogger-blogger di Perak,MENGUCAPKAN JUTAAN TERIMA KASIH DAN PENGHARGAAN KAMI YANG TIDAK TERHINGGA kepada semua blogger perjuang negara terutamanya barisan Blogger Pembela Negara (BPN), Penembak-Tepat, waadat, GOMO, Bomoh, Pisau, GAP, Analisa Ringan, Bro Jinggo, Rajahmas, Mamak Haji, Accordblack, Gotahlantun, Medan Info, Faizalrohban, Senapang Patah, Gavamali, Abemie, Tamin Sari, Ayor Lemuju, pembela wira dan teristimewa buat AbangTuah, Apai, Pisau, Sahabat Gunung, ParpuKari serta himpunan bloggers perak, Doremon, Yeop Perak, Taipingmali, Kuntakinte, Shamuddin Aulfahmi, Barisan KAMI, Meorblack, Kepala Perang, Perak Bangkit, AntiPKR dan lain-lain (yg mana tak tersebut tu harap maaf, terlalu ramai kalau nak disebut semua..tapi percayalah anda juga ternasuk dalam geng wira negara) yang sentiasa gigih berjuang membantu jentera PRK BN di Perak. Read More