Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Who the heck is Khairy Jamaluddin?

By Tok Uban

Who is Khairy Jamaluddin (KJ) & why some people hate him so much..??
Very little love him but they love him dearly…I wonder why?

Falsafah hidup saya ialah, if I have to judge some one, it would have to come from my own assessment & kajian, dan bukannya daripada fakta2 pihak ketiga.

Olah kerana KJ nie is the ‘Superstar’ of the decade, justeru itu maka saya sendiri telah mengambil inisiatif untuk turun padang dan melihat serta mendengar sendiri daripada puncanya agar saya dapat memberikan penilaian yang tepat berkaitan superstar kita nie.

We heard all hate him with regards to his business interest, political influence & Maya Karin. Well for me itu standardlah, biasalah orang Melayu, tak dapat projek salahkan orang lain, tak dapat tempat dalam UMNO salahkan KJ, tak dapat Maya Karin pun nak salahkan KJ juga…kalau Tun Dr.M masih memerintah & good looking macam KJ pun silap2 kena gossip juga dengan Maya Karin nih..ish..ish..
kalau berminat sangat..ikhtiar lah sendiri..

My point is, politic will always be politic, tak kira siapa yang naik, pasti ada saja isunya, terutama tiga perkara nie (business, politic & gossip). So nak cerita tentang 3 perkara nie..letihlah, tak ada kesudahannyna, senang cerita I’ll have one column to get the public’s view on apa sahaja kemuskilan yeng mereka hendak kepastian berkaitan KJ, and I’ll try to get his representative to answer. I jawab nanti korang kata aku fan KJ lak.. Perlu di ingatkan bahawa in politic i am neutral. (I’ll always be judgmental & will never choose sides)

If we were to search any bad thing about KJ, well just type in “anti KJ” on any search engine, u’ll sure find a lot. But what I am about to tell next is about him which has not been made known to public so far. We want to know this guy’s personality & talent. Is he really fits to be in the Parliament?

I happen to have a few friends who are very close to KJ and also a good friend who is close to his rival & the anti KJ’s group. So I gather a little bit of both sides info.

Tak puas hati lagi, I go to Rembau during the recent election campaign, kebetulan I’ve got a friend who is in Rembau’s UMNO & incharge of handling the campaign.

So I trailed KJ every day from his hotel to all the programs he attended, of course without any of them knowing my intention, (damn I am good at this spying thing). I was there for 2 weeks, mingling around and I can say with proper tools, you could gather almost everything about him, up to his closet. I go there because I need to see him & hear him in person so I could judge his personality.

So basically after that, I now have a thick file on him with regards to his business, politic & personality. I shall put down the story in detail later, but let me just put here a summary on my findings on his personality.

To be honest, in general, I think he needs an acting class (I’ll explain later). Other than that I think he is well equipped to be a good leader. Relax ah....by now, I must have broken some of anti KJ’s heart. But it is the truth. Let me explain why I’ve said that:

To those who don’t have a chance to get close to him, first i can say, he is a bit of a ‘metrosexual’, competitive & excessive compulsive kind of a guy. Senang cerita dia nie pembersih tahap maksima & a perfectionist. In any competition, he doesn’t mind loosing but he sure determine to win, good thing about him is he’ll give his all to win, bukan hanya kesungguhan untuk menang tetapi dia berusaha untuk menang, even on a friendly futsal or chess game. (lepas nie sure KJ offer I project besar nie haha) but it is a fact. I know this from my personal observation.

Second, he has a very strong character. Boleh di katakana he is not a typical Malay kind of guy lah. Cakap berlapik2, mengumpat belakang2, sikit2 merajuk is definitely not him. Ask any of his staff, they’ll give u the same answer. Yelah, dia lahir & di besarkan di luar negara, so he is a bit open minded kind of guy, however a very tough boss to handle though. Salah sikit kena tembak direct lah. That is why I say he needs an acting class, because bila jumpa orang yg bermuka2 nie, he really don’t like them & it shows in his face. This people than turn to be his enemy. But despite all that, if u sees his staff or people surround him, they have a full respect to this guy. He reminds us a bit of Tun Dr.M’s character. Walaupun tegas, tetapi orang tetap respect him, because he knows what he is doing.

3rd, he is smart. I am not saying it because he have got a degree from Oxford, but really..he is smart. Tak percaya, go get the smartest guy yang anti KJ and attend some of his dialog gathering. Suruhlah bagi soalan pedas2 & berdailog dengan dia..kita tengok siapa yang kena… I berani bet because I selalu nampak orang yang fikir dia pandai (one of the smartest in the reformist group), but buta2 kena outsmart by KJ. Senang cakap he has got the brain and a political talent lah.

4th, well one thing I found it odd about KJ is, sungguhpun dia di lahirkan di luar negeri & doesn’t think like a typical Malay, but he is a true Malay guy. Some rumors say he is more Singaporeans than the Singaporeans. They got it totally wrong! Go make a joke about Malay in front of him kalau nak kena sembur. To the Non-Malays don’t get me wrong. He is open-minded about everything, but not something that is involving the Malay rights & integrity. Which I thing is one of a great quality one must have to represents the Malay. They must give all their heart to the people they represent, dan sanggup mati untuk mempertahankan perjuangan dan integriti Melayu.

Mamat nie actually berjiwa kental lah sebenarnya. Bukan sahaja semangat Melayunya tetapi semangat Nasionalistmenya juga sangat kental. Biasanya some politicians will talk like a nationalist in their speech sahaja, but this guy, dengan kawan-kawan di kedai kopi pun bersungguh2, macamlah orang lain tak nationalist.

Dia macam Anuar Ibrahim lah satu ketika dahulu, tapi masa tu DSAI susah, kehulu kehilir pakai capal, dia kata kalau pakai kasut Bally, baju Kot, drive Mercedes tu Yahudi. Tapi bila jadi TPM dia pula yang lebih.

Kesungguhan KJ nampak ketara ketika dia berbicara tentang bola. Yes he loves football so much. ManU die hard fan lah katakan. For me, I think, MyTeam is one of his best idea to discover talent nationwide without interference from the politic. Ramai juga la yang dengki, but he does it without a single sen from the taxpayer, they do make money from the program, but kalau di fikirkan dalam2, berapa banyak pun untung boleh dapat, if he really wants untung baiklah dia create 1 mega project (underwater stadium ka), baru ngam. Kan orang kata dia powerfull, boleh create project ikut suka, apahal lak nak buat yang kecik2.

But when I got a chance to hear him out, dia begitu bersungguh2 nak lihat kegemilangan bola sepak Malaysia nie. Which I think mustahil lah…but this guy very determine. MyTeam is a short cut untuk persediaan masa terdekat, but his long term planning is to do a proper academy, budak2 dari kecil to be trained at proper training centre, with proper technique and tools. Although I pun study di luar negeri juga, but I am a bit negative sikit la, well if I ask you guys would it possible to see Malaysia in the World Cup final…? Hah…korang pun sure macam I gak, but this guy dah sewel ka tak taulah.. banyak sangat termakan pill Malaysia Boleh agaknya.

My point is, I see some good quality about this guy. I mean as a politician lah. Budak Melayu yang cerdik, berjiwa Melayu, young and energetic, mempunyai personality dan karekter yang tinggi untuk menjadi seorang pemimpin. Tegas dan berpendirian teguh, I think, with a proper guidance, he could be the next Tun Dr.M…. KJ jadi PM? Huh! mau melenting penyokong2 pembangkang nie.. relex ahh jangan emosi…like I said before, lets try to think out of the box and be rational…may be, who knows we could see something good out of it.

Kalau nak cerita pasal agama pun he surprises me. Although he is open minded, but pergi mana2 pun, tak kira any important meeting ka, even kesuntukan masa pun(I ingat lagi dia ada program dengan MB during his campaign), dia tetap cari tempat untuk sembahyang dahulu. Oklah masa kempen kadang2 orang nak menunjuk2, but even in his daily activity pun 5 waktu tak tinggal beb…hah camno eden nak explain tuh…Tok Guru sure tak caya nye hehe…suka koranglah nak caya ke tak..i percaya sebab I nampak sendiri.

Di pendekkan cerita, macam ni la, sebelum nie bila I dengar orang bercerita tentang KJ, makin lama kita dengar makin marah & meluat kita dengan KJ nie. Mana taknya, KJ di ibaratkan seperti Firaun, alah macam Tun Dr,M dulu. Dia boleh buat suka2 hati, semua kroni2 dapat jawatan besar, projek2 semua dia sapu…calon2 pilihanraya pun dia yang tentukan, hui powerful gila lah KJ nih…siapa dengar pun melenting. Silap2, bukan saja power full, dia juga ada kuasa sakti, boleh terbang lagi laju dari Superman…kadang2 dia boleh jadi besar macam Ultraman…huih..dasyat betul la…tapi itulah perumpamaan yang tepat kepada bicara2 kedai kopi nie..makin lama kita dengar makin cantik olahannya.. But it is not fair lah kalau terus kita judge someone berdasarkan cerita2 kedai kopi nie. Kalau setiap kali ada orang nak naik, kita hentam macam nie, we will never be able to find a good leader.

Dr.M telah meletakkan satu standard yang sangat tinggi bagi kreteria sebagai seorang PM/pemimpin. Memang bukan senang nak cari penggantinya. Tetapi secara peribadi, KJ mempunyai aura & quality yang hampir sama standardnya dengan Dr.M. I am talking about personality & his talent. Kalau cakap pasal knowledge and experience memanglah jauh bezanya. Tetapi KJ has the right tools to be a leader. I am not saying he is perfect. But if he were destine to be a leader, based on his personality, talent & character he is well equipped and capable.

Janganlah ambil kira pasal dia menantu PM, dia dapat naik cepat, therefore dia tak setaraf dengan yang naik lambat nie. That is not right. Macam mana dia naik itu bukanlah kayu ukuran. Don’t tell me Jaclyn Victor yang naik mendadak melalui program reality is less talented than Sharifah Aini dan tak layak di gelar penyanyi…not right ain’t mate!

Apa yang jelas bagi saya ialah, ok he is now a parliament member, let give him a chance, rugi kalau if he is really talented but have to go just because of our freedom of speech, gossip. I am sure with his courage’s attitude & smart ass he could do well as a beck bencher, since pembangkang ramai gila tuh… I tell you, it is going to be an interesting Parliament. Wait and see…

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Sabtu, 2009 April 11

Assalamualaikum,Salam sejastera kepada semua blogger perjuang negara.Alhamdullialh..syukur ke Hadrat Illahi kerana dengan izin dan limpah kurnia-nya kita telah berjaya mengharungi pahit getir serta susah payah menghadapi Pilihan Raya Kecil P 059 Bukit Gantang dan ianya telah berakhir dengan selamatnya.Mengambil kesempatan ini, saya Sekupangdua dan rakan-rakan di Perak, kami; YB Zainol, Hamdan Taha, Tn. Hj Amiruddin, Tn. Hj Zairun, Sayuti, Ahmad Kamal, Kepala Perang, Afden dan semua blogger-blogger di Perak,MENGUCAPKAN JUTAAN TERIMA KASIH DAN PENGHARGAAN KAMI YANG TIDAK TERHINGGA kepada semua blogger perjuang negara terutamanya barisan Blogger Pembela Negara (BPN), Penembak-Tepat, waadat, GOMO, Bomoh, Pisau, GAP, Analisa Ringan, Bro Jinggo, Rajahmas, Mamak Haji, Accordblack, Gotahlantun, Medan Info, Faizalrohban, Senapang Patah, Gavamali, Abemie, Tamin Sari, Ayor Lemuju, pembela wira dan teristimewa buat AbangTuah, Apai, Pisau, Sahabat Gunung, ParpuKari serta himpunan bloggers perak, Doremon, Yeop Perak, Taipingmali, Kuntakinte, Shamuddin Aulfahmi, Barisan KAMI, Meorblack, Kepala Perang, Perak Bangkit, AntiPKR dan lain-lain (yg mana tak tersebut tu harap maaf, terlalu ramai kalau nak disebut semua..tapi percayalah anda juga ternasuk dalam geng wira negara) yang sentiasa gigih berjuang membantu jentera PRK BN di Perak. Read More